Our Black Friday Sale is now over but we still have lots of stuff on sale! Check them out. Buy Accessories – Buy Parts – Buy Apparel – Buy Helmets Plus SO MUCH more in store! Come visit us and say hello to our friendly bicycle experts. Our showroom is located at 3/550
Confused by all the different options in the Fox MTB helmet range? This should help! We break down the key model versions within each helmet. Each model many have additional pattern, styling and colour option names. Speedframe Performance-focused open-face trail helmet The Speedframe is a premium open-face mountain biking helmet, prioritizing safety and comfort.

Sunny days are back! Sometimes. Sure it rains a bit more often in Spring but life is popping outdoors and Summer is on the way. Before you jump back on the bike there are a few things to check out so that your ride is fun and enjoyable. All of these DIY bike checks are

We are lucky in Australia that we don’t have to worry about riding bikes in the snow unless we go out of our way! It is still a good idea to think about your tyres to make sure they get you safely through the cooler weather. Here are a few quick points to consider.

I’ve been working on bicycles for over 20 years. I have a mechanical mind and I love nothing more than a finely tuned bicycle. Hiring a bicycle recently, one small thing really broke my heart and made the experience not as enjoyable as it could have been!
Daylight savings ends this weekend which means shorter daylight hours over the coming months. Therefore, you will need a set of lights when you riding to keep you safe. So how do you make sense of the different options available and when should you use different kinds of lights?
Let’s talk about your helmet, actually go and grab it while you read this it will most likely be the most amount of time you have actually looked at and inspected your helmet. As we know your helmet protects your best asset you brain. Helmets on bikes date back to 1880’s and the first real
We hear so many people say, “this bike is too big” when in fact, it is too small! So, what is the right size bicycle?

What’s In A Bicycle Service? A friend says to you, “when was the last time you serviced your bike?” After the initial shock, you’re left thinking, “ha, I don’t know. Do you need to service a bike?” Well, yes, yes you do! So, what happens in a bicycle service?